Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Letter for my Teacher on Dancing Through the Snow

Dear Mrs.Withers, I am reading dancing through the snow by Jean Little. I think the book is a little bit sad. I think Toby is jealous of Min because he called her Rapunzel and other names. When Min pulled the little girl off the street right before the car came I think Min was brave, nice and strong. When Min grabbed Jess with both hands and pulled her to the old, broken down shack I remember me pulling my little brother into my bedroom. I predict that the dog will get better and will be able to walk or even run and Toby is not going to be jealous any more. To myself I think the author has some good descriptive words and has not too many characters but not a small amount of characters. When I read it reminds me of things that has happened in the past. When Min, Jess and Toby were decorating the Christmas tree it reminded me of my family and I decorating the Christmas tree at my grandmas house. Sincerely, B